Vehicle registration plate

Over 1,000 Old Cars Rotting in Sofia

Close to 1,000 old cars that are no longer suitable for driving, are rotting on the streets of Sofia. This contributes to the already heavy traffic in the capital.

All cars that don't have up-to-date registration plates and that have not undergone technical inspections over the past two years are considered to be no longer used.

Confiscated plates to be returned for Greek elections

As of Wednesday, drivers who have had their permits or license plates confiscated by police for minor offenses can reclaim them so they can vote in the upcoming general elections.

This does not apply to drivers who have committed serious offenses, such as driving under the influence, speeding, running a red light or driving an uninsured vehicle.

License plates, permits revoked for minor infringements to be returned for elections

Motorists who had their license plates or driving permits revoked up until Tuesday for minor infringements such as illegal parking can request that they be returned ahead of Sunday's general elections.

The decision to facilitate voters who need to travel to cast their ballot was announced on Tuesday by the Public Order Ministry. It will go into effect on Wednesday.

Truck carrying chemicals overturns near Thessaloniki

A truck with Bulgarian license plates overturned on the Egnatia Highway, near the junction for Thessaloniki, early on Wednesday, shedding large quantities of hospital supplies including chemicals onto the road surface.

The truck driver, who lost control of his vehicle under circumstances that remained unclear, was hospitalized for treatment to minor injuries.

Truck With BG Registration Kills 4, Injures 30 In Pileup Near Thessaloniki

A TIR truck with Bulgarian registration plates, driven by a Romanian citizen, caused a pileup, killing four and injuring 30 at the Thessaloniki - Veria highway in Greece, reports the Bulgarian National Radio.

More than half of those injured are in serious condition.

According to the reports, the police arrested the Romanian driver as he was trying to escape the accident site.

Migrants prevented from illegally crossing border

Migrants prevented from illegally crossing border

BELGRADE -- Ten migrants from Afghanistan and Syria were on Wednesday prevented from crossing into Serbia illegally, it has been announced.

The migrants were discovered on the Preševo border crossing between Serbia and Macedonia, and in the customs terminal in the town of Kruševac.

Central Athens traffic restrictions to return on Sept 15

A measure aimed at reducing traffic in downtown Athens, by which cars with license plates ending in an odd number can enter the designated area on odd days of the month and those with even numbers on even days, is set come back into effect on September 15 following its suspension in mid-July.
